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Drug Charges

Established And Respected Criminal Defense Lawyers

Drug Charge Lawyers In Myrtle Beach, SC

While some states have taken steps to relax their drug laws, South Carolina still takes the “war on drugs” extremely seriously. Punishments for all types of drug crimes are severe.

At The Law Offices of L. Morgan Martin, P.A., in Conway, we defend individuals facing any type of drug charge, including the more serious offenses of selling and trafficking. Defending against these serious charges requires exceptional legal skills. On your side will be one of the most experienced trial attorneys in the state.

Important Facts About Drug Crimes In South Carolina

Our clients are individuals from all walks of life, students, juveniles, college students and adults. We represent local residents as well as tourists. We have the knowledge and record of success that you need in a criminal defense lawyer. If you or a loved one has been arrested on drug or weapons charges, there are some things you should know:

Possessing marijuana can be a minor or a serious offense. If it is your first offense, marijuana possession of less than an ounce subjects you to possible 30 days in jail, and a $100-$200 fine. Possessing more than an ounce puts you into the drug trafficking category, which is a felony, and much more serious, whether you are tried in state or federal court.

The type of drug you were arrested for possessing is less important than the charge leveled against you. The law treats heroin, meth, cocaine and illegal hydrocodone and other prescription painkillers the same. The more serious concerns are the exact nature of the charges against you and whether it is your first offense or you have been arrested before.

Don’t Decide You Need To Plead Guilty Before Speaking To Our Attorneys

There is no such thing as a minor drug crime. Remember that you have rights, and one of your first moves after an arrest should be to contact us at The Law Offices of L. Morgan Martin, in Conway to schedule a free consultation. You can reach us by email or by calling us at 800-506-0311 or 843-248-3177.